In general, the Office of Students Affairs ensures that the rights, privileges and responsibilities of students in the university are recognized, respected, and properly fulfilled to promote a healthy academic relations and successful academic journey among students. Hence, student offenses, misconduct and misbehavior shall be treated objectively.
- 12.1. Student offenses shall be subjected to appropriate disciplinary measures promulgated by the university. Offenses are classified as grave, less grave and light.
- 12.1.1. The following are considered grave offense:
- Possession or use of prohibited and/or regulated drugs such as LSD, ecstasy, marijuana, heroin, shabu or opiate of any kind.
- Dishonesty, such as cheating during examination, quiz or test, plagiarism and intellectual dishonesty in connection with any academic work. Specifically, the following acts shall be punishable hereunder:
- (a) Unauthorized possession of notes or any material relative to the examination, particularly when those are actually used
- (b) Copying from others’ examination papers or allowing another to copy from one’s examination papers
- (c) Letting somebody else take the examination for him/her (in which case both shall be liable here under)
- (d) Passing as one’s own work, another student’s assigned written report, term paper, case analysis, reaction paper, and other academic related works.
- Tampering with, falsifying or causing the falsification of any official document like ESMS entries and subject grades, Certificate of Registration (COR), Transcript of Records, identification cards, certification, and other documents of similar nature or purpose;
- Possession of any deadly weapon, such as fire arms, explosives, ice picks, knives, and the like within the university premises;
- Hazing in any form for any organizations;
- Vandalism, defacement, destruction of equipment & facilities and mutilation of learning resource materials and official documents;
- Bullying in any form that place fellow student in psychological and emotional trauma;
- Littering, improper disposal of waste and violation of environmental policies promulgated by the university;
- Theft of or damage to any of the property of the university, faculty, non-teaching and students;
- Direct and indirect assault upon any member of the Academic Community
- Unwanted sexual advances and seduction and blatant use of language with sexual insinuation that undermines women’s dignity;
- Habitual disregard or willful violation of established policies and regulations such as the use of the school ID; school uniform or prescribed attire in the campus;
- Disgraceful conduct, gross immorality and indecent appearance
- Illegal access and alteration to any IT hardware, software, facilities, application, and network that are part of EVSU’s computing resource
- Airing distorted opinions regarding the university without going through the proper channels in the university
- 12.1.2 The following are considered less grave offense:
- Habitual disregard of school policies/regulations and disrespect of authorities;
- Gross acts of disrespect, in word or in deed, which tend to put any member of the faculty, administration or non-teaching staff in ridicule or contempt;
- Brawls within the university vicinity;
- Verbal assault to fellow student, faculty, and personnel;
- Sexual/sensual acts and public display of physical intimacy/affection;
- Entering school premises and/or attending classes under the influence of alcohol;
- 12.1.3 The following are considered light offense:
- Gambling, betting or similar engagement in any game of chance within the school premises;
- Disruptive behavior in corridors and classes;
- Deliberate disruption of an academic function or school activity which tends to create disorder or disturbance
- Deliberate or intentional misrepresentation of self through using others school ID and pertinent school requirements;
- Habitual tardiness and/or absenteeism;
- Disobedience to prescribed attire and hair cut;
- Smoking inside the campus;
- Malversation of campus recognized organization’s fund
- 12.2 Based in 1.3.6 smoking inside and upon gravity of the offense, sanctions/panalties shall be as follows:
- 12.2.1
Grave Offense
- First Offense – Issuance of call slip for conference, warning, and probation;
- Second Offense – Suspension for such time and conditions as the OSA may determine with the approval of the Dean of Students
- Third Offense – Dismissal/Expulsion (upon recommendation of the SDT or with the approval of the University President)
- 12.2.2
Less Grave Offense
- First Offense – Issuance of call slip for conference, warning, and probation
- Second Offense – Monetary and non-monetary sanctions as determined by the Head of OSA with the approval of the Dean of Students
- Third Offense – Suspension for such time and conditions as the OSA may determine with the approval of the Dean of Students
(Note: In case of fourth or succeeding offense of any of those classified as less grave, it shall be elevated to a grave offense, which in such case the sanction for third offense shall be applied.)
- 12.2.3
Light Offense
- First Offense – Issuance of call slip for reprimand and probation; offender submits a letter of apology to the OSA
- Second Offense – Community Service as may be determined by the OSA
- Third Offense – Monetary sanction as may be determined by the OSA with the approval of the Dean of Students
(Note: In case of fourth or succeeding offense of any of those classified as less grave, it shall be elevated to a grave offense, which in such case the sanction for third offense shall be applied)
- 12.2.4 All offenses shall be reported to the parents or guardian of the offender through the Office of Students Affairs.
Procedures in the Settlement of Complaints and Grievances
- 13.1 The procedure for the redress and settlement of complaints and grievance in the university shall conform to due process of law in order to ensure the highest degree of fairness and justice to all concerned. All concerned should seek remedy through counseling, arbitration, and amicable settlement of conflicts. Sanctions and punishments shall be meted out sparingly, taking into consideration the capacity of individual to learn and profit from their mistakes. As much as possible, problems should be solved in the initial stage of consultation and advice.
- 13.2 The Grievance Committee is chaired by the Dean of Students, the immediate supervisor/adviser of the respondent as co-chair, Head of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and Head of the Office of Guidance Services (OGS), EVSUFA/NTPA representative (if the respondent is a nonteaching personnel), and Supreme Student Government as members (if the respondent is student).
- 13.3 The Committee shall exercise the following powers:
- 13.3.1. To define the procedures to be followed in the conduct of its hearings,
- 13.3.2. To summon witnesses or persons whose assistance is needed in arriving at a just and fair decision,
- 13.3.3. To have access to all information and documents relevant to the case,
- 13.3.4. To recommend to the Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) appropriate measures consistent to its findings, and
- 13.3.5. To be fair and objective in hearing the merits of the case without prejudice to either the complainant or the defendant.
- 13.4 If a controversy arises, the students are encouraged to seek the assistance from the Office of the Student Affairs regarding the process of informal grievances. Students are encouraged to settle it with their fellow student or any member of the academic community through a sincere dialogue. If the concern is not settled through a dialogue between the complainant and the concerned respondent, the former should approach the Head of OSA who shall then facilitate a dialogue, to act as mediator and to amicably resolve the matter. To ensure that there is sufficient time to facilitate the dialogue between the student and the faculty concerned, the student should approach the Head of OSA not later than three (3) calendar weeks after initial dialogue. If on the last day of filing a formal grievance, the parties concerned have not yet conducted a dialogue, or a dialogue transpired but the issue was not resolved, then the student may already file a formal grievance on that day.
- 13.5 After the informal grievance process has been availed of by the student, the student may decide to pursue the grievance formally. The steps to be taken as follows:
- 13.5.1. The student approaches the Office of Student Affairs for technical assistance on the requirements and process of formal grievance.
- 13.5.2. The student accomplishes a complaint form with the OSA not later than 30 calendar days after the subject and the complaint. The complaint should be signed by the student and accomplished in 3 copies to be distributed as follows:
- Head of OSA – one (1) copy (original)
- Concerned respondent – one (1) copy
- Student File received and dated by the Head of OSA – one (1) copy
A formal complaint should contain the following: (1) The name of the concerned respondent against whom the complaint is filed, (2) A narration of the circumstances surrounding the commission of the act complained of, and (3) The specific action asked for from the concerned respondent.
- 13.5.3. The respondent explains in writing within three (3) days from receipt of the complaint (excluding Saturdays, and Sundays, and holidays). The written answer shall also be prepared in three (3) copies to be distributed as follows:
- Head of OSA – one (1) copy (original)
- Immediate supervisor of the concerned respondent – one (1) copy
- Complainant – one (1) copy
- 13.5.4. Failure of the respondent to answer the complaint in writing within the period required shall be considered and admission of the charges, and the Grievance Committee shall resolve the complaint on the strength of this admission.
- 13.5.5 Upon receipt of the written answer by the respondent, the Grievance Committee evaluates the complaint and the answer. Should there be any clarificatory questions, the Grievance Committee of the respondent shall call the parties to a meeting for this purpose within the three (3) days from receipt written answer.
- 13.5.6 Within three (3) days after the meeting and from determination that sufficient facts and evidence exist on which to base a resolution, the Grievance Committee resolves the case. The resolution shall be in writing stating the supporting reasons and prepared in three (3) copies to be distributed as follows: (1) Original – OSA Head, One (1) copy – complainant, and One (1) copy – concerned respondent.
- 13.5.7 In case the complaint is not resolved by the Grievance Committee, the complaint shall be forwarded to the Student Disciplinary Tribunal for appropriate action.
- 13.6 Class or Group Grievance a grievance may be raised by a student, a group or a class accordingly. A grievance raised by three (3) or more students is considered a group grievance. Moreover, a grievance raised by 50% + 1 of enrolled students in a certain course is considered a class grievance. The people involved in the group or class grievance must elect an official representative of the group complaint and affix their respective in the complaint form. Afterwards, they must proceed with the appropriate grievance procedure.