
Almaceley Plando


Jeepneys and multicabs are two of the popular public utility vehicles (PUVs) in Tacloban City. In some cases, jeepneys are improvised vehicles from leftover jeeps of the US Military while multicabs are made locally for public transport. Due to the increase of commuters, especially in Tacloban City, which is the capital of Region VIII, these public transportations are often crowded which jeopardizes the comfort of the passengers. It is for this reason that this research aims to assess PUVs in Tacloban City and address the concerns faced by passengers, drivers, and other crucial stakeholders in using the existing design of the said PUVs. With this problem of comfort and satisfaction, a study was conducted to relate the problem with Ergonomics. Written and verbal survey was conducted to the passengers of the PUVs whose routes are; Tacloban – V&G Subdivision, Tacloban – Diit, Tacloban – Campetic, Tacloban – Manlurip, Tacloban – Tagpuro, Tacloban – Kassel Abucay and Tacloban – San Jose, to get the response of the passengers. After analyzing the data gathered, an improved design of PUVs was developed with anthropometric measurements and ergonomic designs which meet the comfort and satisfaction of the passengers/commuters.

Name of Research Journal

SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Volume and Issue No.

Volume 1, No. 1 ISSN: 2945-3828 E-ISSN: 2945-3836


Plando, A. (2019). Assessment of Public Utility Vehicles in Tacloban City: Inputs to an Improved Interior and Exterior Design of Multicabs and Jeepneys. SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1), 39-83.