Gabino Hilvano
Local government officials usually spearhead evacuation activities during calamities with the participation of barangay officials. The city of Tacloban in Eastern Visayas, Philippines is prone to various natural hazards particularly floods, storm surges, and landslides. During disasters, government facilities are converted into evacuation centers. This study was conducted to assess the evacuation centers in Tacloban City if they are found within the natural hazard zone or multi-hazard prone areas as based on the thematic maps provided by the national government, particularly the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office in the country. The study used the Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial analysis. The thematic natural hazard maps that were used to overlay were flooding, storm surges, and landslides. The study showed that Tacloban City is prone to three natural hazards. The result further indicated that there were 97 identified evacuation centers in the city, and most of the evacuation centers are schools and public buildings. Most of them are found in low lying areas which are prone to flooding and storm surge. Some are found in landslide-prone areas which are highly risky. Few evacuation centers are found in the landslide and flood-prone areas. However, there are three evacuation centers located in three natural hazard-prone areas. In conclusion, there could be community folks that are at risk of natural hazards even if the government had placed them in evacuation centers and facilities. It is suggested that the government must thoroughly evaluate target areas where evacuation centers are to be built.
Name of Research Journal
Volume and Issue No.
Vol. 1 2018
Date/Year of Publication
Hilvano, G. (2018). EVACUATION CENTERS EXPOSED TO MULTI-NATURAL HAZARDS: A GIS SPATIAL ANALYSIS. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 1.