
Ritchell S. Villafuerte


Security of information is one of the most concerned issues during data transmission wherein cryptographic schemes are needed. This paper intends to improve the encryption scheme of the 3D (4x4x4) Playfair Cipher Algorithm by enhancing its security performance. The proposed improvement utilizes a 4x8x8 matrix that holds 256 ASCII characters and implements a dual Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) with dual circular-XOR method.

Name of Research Journal

IEEE Xplore

Date/Year of Publication



Villafuerte, R. S., Sison, A. M., & Medina, R. P. (2019, October). i3D-Playfair: An Improved 3D Playfair Cipher Algorithm. In 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) (pp. 538-541). IEEE.