
Jasten Keneth D. Treceñe


Nowadays, large amount of data are stored in different databases and is increasing rapidly. These databases contain data that can be useful for predicting students’ academic performance and will help the University for improvement. Educational Data Mining used to study the available data stored in the University database and create new knowledge out of it. C4.5 (J48) classification algorithm were applied to create a decision tree model that will predict the academic performance of Information technology students of the Leyte Normal University. The result of the decision tree predicted the possible students who will have the chance to graduate or do not have the chance based on their historic data and this will help the teacher to provide appropriate inputs to help the failing students.

Name of Research Journal

International Journal of Information Sciences and Application (IJISA)

Date/Year of Publication



Las Johansen, B. C., & Trecene, J. K. D. (2018). Predicting academic performance of information technology students using c4. 5 classification algorithm: a model development. International Journal of Information Sciences and Application, 10(1), 7-21.