Piggy Bank, Money Week Challenge, 12-Month Saving Challenge, Envelop Savings Challenge, No-Spend Weekends, Peso Sense Ipon Challenge, etc., are the drivers to save money. However, they share the same denominator of loophole. To save money using those drivers need intense discipline to continue. For example, it’s been a game-changer in the past in the segment of “KMJS” many people engaged in saving money. The popular one is the Peso Sense Ipon Challenge after that many people follow the idea even my sisters and brother. However, after several months and years, we don’t hear about saving anymore because most Filipinos ‘only doing the trend and are fans of “Ningas Cogon” which means the fire of inspiration of doing was momentarily only. Thus, the researcher decided to make a device that can force a man to save money. An application of vending machine to the appliances at home using SCAMPER as steps for achieving it.