The aim of this study is to examine what business owners are experiencing while enforcing the no plastic policy. This research was carried out in different businesses within the city continue reading : Lived Experiences of the Business Owners on No Plastic Policy of Ormoc City
Lactate and acetate applied in dual-chamber microbial fuel cells with domestic wastewater
For about 20 years, microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are an emerging technology that has gained attention for its new wastewater treatment and energy generation, especially its ability to convert chemical continue reading : Lactate and acetate applied in dual-chamber microbial fuel cells with domestic wastewater
Participation in Political Interest Groups of University Students
Political interest groups (PIGs) are formed by people having common goals and working their way to make their goals a realization. These groups play a crucial role in influencing the continue reading : Participation in Political Interest Groups of University Students
Attitude and Exposure to Bullying of Junior Highschool Students
This investigated the students’ bully attitude and exposure to bullying. Specifically, it looked into the relationship between students’ bully attitude and exposure with respect to predetermined profile variables as age, continue reading : Attitude and Exposure to Bullying of Junior Highschool Students
Changes in Carbon and Nutrient Stocks of Secondary Forest Transformations Under Ultisol in Leyte Island, Philippines
Ultisols are old soils, inferior and acidic. However, tropical secondary forests (SF) under this soil are transformed into grasslands (GL) and forest plantations (FP) which could profoundly affect the carbon continue reading : Changes in Carbon and Nutrient Stocks of Secondary Forest Transformations Under Ultisol in Leyte Island, Philippines
An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Networked Readiness Index in Selected Asian Countries
Society has long recognized the role of information and communication technology (ICT) as an impetus for revolution and change. Networked Readiness Index (NRI) is a tool used to examine the continue reading : An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Networked Readiness Index in Selected Asian Countries
Disjoint Fair Domination in Graphs
Let = ((), ()) be a connected simple graph. A subset of () is a dominating set of if for every ∈ () ∖ , there exists ∈ such that continue reading : Disjoint Fair Domination in Graphs
Inverse Perfect Secure Domination in Graphs
Let G = (V(G), E(G)) be a connected simple graph. A subset S of V(G) is a dominating set of G if for every u ∈ V(G) \ S, there continue reading : Inverse Perfect Secure Domination in Graphs
The Digital Transformation Strategies of the Philippines from 1992 to 2022: A Review
The report begins by looking into the different digital transformation strategies of the Philippines from 1992 to 2022 from the different government databases. The study used the qualitative approach particularly continue reading : The Digital Transformation Strategies of the Philippines from 1992 to 2022: A Review
Modelling the Influence of Bridging Course on the Accounting Performance of the University Students Using Educational Data Mining
Modelling the Influence of Bridging Course on the Accounting Performance of the University Students Using Educational Data Mining. Objectives: This study intends to determine the level of performance of the continue reading : Modelling the Influence of Bridging Course on the Accounting Performance of the University Students Using Educational Data Mining
Effects of Polyethylene Ground Plastic Waste Aggregate for Concrete Mixing Proportion
In recent times, the production of polyethylene ground plastics has increased markedly in the Philippines. However, current levels of their usage and disposal generate several environmental problems. Recycling is one continue reading : Effects of Polyethylene Ground Plastic Waste Aggregate for Concrete Mixing Proportion
I Love Tacloban App
Innovation became important today’s generation. There are new-found technologies to help users to cope with the fast and modern development of technologies. The study “I love Tacloban App” is an continue reading : I Love Tacloban App
Detection of Students’ Mental Health Status: A Decision Support System
The experimental results in developing a predictive model using the decision support system algorithm for identifying the mental health condition of university students are presented in this paper. The predictive continue reading : Detection of Students’ Mental Health Status: A Decision Support System
Assessment of SIAS Application Using Software Quality Model
Managing a software project is a difficult process to do since it necessitates careful planning in order to find the best alternatives for a certain project. Software quality assessment is continue reading : Assessment of SIAS Application Using Software Quality Model
Analysis of the Agua Dulce Artesian Well in Ormoc City Basis for Environmental Management
The study analyzed the Agua Dulce Artesian Well in Ormoc City as basis for environmental management. The descriptive method of research was used in the study, utilizing survey, documentary analysis, continue reading : Analysis of the Agua Dulce Artesian Well in Ormoc City Basis for Environmental Management