UV Tracking and Booking with Accident Reporting and Speed Alert Logs using Android Smartphone

The use of communication technologies-the internet and cell phones enhance service delivery in transportation, including the use of mobile application. The popularity of mobile applications has become increasingly dominant on continue reading : UV Tracking and Booking with Accident Reporting and Speed Alert Logs using Android Smartphone

Assessment on the information communication technology literacy among education managers as an expression of caring education

The study determined assessment on the Information-Communications Technology literacy of school principals in Eastern Visayas Region, Philippines. This was conducted randomly selected central schools in thirteen (13) divisions in Department continue reading : Assessment on the information communication technology literacy among education managers as an expression of caring education

Veni Vidi Vici: Exploring the Onboard Experiences of Graduating Information Technology Students in Eastern Visayas State University – Tanauan Campus

Graduating students are challenged with various academic and professional goals in the onboarding activities at EVSU Tanauan Campus. These experiences contribute to the graduates’ level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes continue reading : Veni Vidi Vici: Exploring the Onboard Experiences of Graduating Information Technology Students in Eastern Visayas State University – Tanauan Campus

Development of An Android Based Real-Time Image Recognition Application Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm: Addressing Challenges in Mother Tongue-Based of Multilingual Education

MTB-MLE teachers encountered several challenges and used similar strategies in teaching. Some of the challenges encountered by the teachers in MTB-MLE are lack of materials written in Mother Tongue and continue reading : Development of An Android Based Real-Time Image Recognition Application Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm: Addressing Challenges in Mother Tongue-Based of Multilingual Education