COE: R&D Processes and Activities Orientation

The College of Engineering, led by Dean Dr. Diosdado J. Lesiguez, held a consultative meeting with Dr. Pearl Aphrodite B. Carnice, the OIC-Director of Research and Development, on March 16, 2022, at 1:00 PM in the ORDEx Training Room.

The consultation began with an overview of URDEA, the R&D Hearing Process, In-House Review, R&D Awards and Recognition, and 2022 R&D Activities by the ORD Director. COE Program Heads, COE Research Faculty, College Research Coordinators, and Program Research Coordinators were among the faculty members who attended the meeting. They posed several interesting questions, which resulted in a greater grasp of the research and development processes.

Additionally, the Office of Research and Development reaffirmed that it will support all R & D efforts conducted by the COE and will work closely with the College to meet its year-end targets.

The consultative discussion concluded with strategizing the research and development directions of the College of Engineering.