EVSU-Gender and Development Office to harmonize GAD and Extension Service Programs

EVSU GAD Office and the Office of Extension Services commenced their partnership to synch their programs through the conduct of “GENDER AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONNECT: Harmonizing GAD and Extension Programs” Conference on May 30, 2022 at the GAD Office, Main Campus.

To facilitate the realization of a harmonized development plan, both offices extensively assessed the current GAD programs and reviewed GAD Extension MOs during the said conference. This also provided an engaging discussion in coming up with GAD extension activities to address one of its important goals, that is to reduce gender gaps through gender empowerment while strengthening partnerships with adopted barangays.

Extension Services Director Jovito Madeja, the activity’s main Resource Speaker emphasized that gender role development is one of the most important areas of community development, and that gender relations are the ways in which the society defines rights, responsibilities and the identities of men and women in relation to one another. Further, Dr. Madeja stressed that when gender is associated with community development, it is then important to change the perspective of men towards women. This is what EVSU envisions in its extension service programs for the adopted barangays of the University.

Meanwhile, GAD Director Fatima Socorro M. Quianzon shares that EVSU, through its GAD programs and services, continues to advocate awareness, knowledge, and paradigms for gender equality as it believes that increasing gender awareness improves connections, appreciates diversity, and develops competence and abilities required for progressive change.

The conference was attended by the GAD Coordinators of the campuses and GAD Technical Working Group members.

Photos from: Dr. Jovito Madeja