Course Description
This program leading to a masters degree major in Guidance and Counseling attempts to prepare students/teachers to become professionally trained and competent guidance counselors in different school settings (elementary, high school and college) and community, embracing the democratic concept.
This program provides students with a special knowledge in guidance, from its basic tenets through a fairly complete general picture of the field. The different guidance subjects are grounded on a solid framework of theories, philosophies and principles in order for students to gain deeper understanding of what guidance is all about, its history and development, basic services and activities, issues and emerging trends, various roles and functions of guidance practitioners and staff as well as problems confronting present day guidance practitioners
This program is aimed to (1) equip students with an updated knowledge about various techniques in gathering individual data, counseling process, testing, educational and career guidance so that they will keep abreast of the constantly changing guidance practices, (2) familiarize them with guidance and counseling models, guidance roles in education and in the effective teaching learning process, (3) raise students’ awareness of relevant researches in guidance, research seminar and practicum required to give students/teachers the opportunity to relate their knowledge to actual practice.
- To equip students with the fundamental subject-matter of guidance and its related areas namely, individual growth and development, theories and principles of personality development, career guidance, appraisal of testing, research, statistics, etc.
- To provide students with a thorough orientation to the basic guidance services.
- To familiarize students with the basic type and classification of problems covered by guidance and their appropriate methods and solutions.
- To develop in the students the skills in organizing and administering functional guidance program in their particular schools and community settings.
- To help students understand deeply the different philosophies, theories, purposes and structure of the total school system with a special reference to the goals and services involved in guidance, student personnel services, curriculum and research.
- To equip students with the various techniques used in guidance such as the use of anecdotal records, autobiography, cumulative records, information sheets, interview, observation and various uses of tests and test interpretations and the like.
- To help them develop the skills in conducting counseling sessions and appropriate counselor responses.